About Us

Our Story

Tim tried to find a modern solution to enable mobile bidding in his auctions, but everything he saw entailed lugging lots of equipment into the field with him. He wanted something simple yet powerful that used the smartphone already in his pocket. Something that didn't exist yet.So he contacted Andy, a friend of his who had decades of industry experience building software for Amazon and Rosetta Stone. Tim knew he and Andy would make an excellent team solving problems for auctioneers. BidWrangler was born.

After spending time talking to auctioneers, Tim and Andy realized what you really wanted was all the BidWrangler performance in your own app. So we delivered. We continue to listen to auctioneers, expanding on the platform that powers all of BidWrangler's products.


Meet Our Team

Tim Peters

  • Co-Founder and CEO, Auctioneer

Andy Harbick

  • Co-Founder and CTO

Megan Ruckman

  • Director of Operations

Matthew Kirkpatrick

  • Director of Website Development

Stacey Burzumato

  • Director of Finance

Chris Starkey

  • Product Manager

Aurélien Chivot-Buhler

  • Software Engineer

German Prostakov

  • Software Engineer

Kylene Hohman

  • Software Engineer

Filippo Gallizia

  • Software Engineer

Myers Carpenter

  • Software Engineer

Steven Warren

  • Director of Clerking Services

Tim Shelton

  • Sales/Training

David Holsinger

  • Customer Success Team Manager

John Berner

  • Sales/Customer Success

Guillermo López Mejía

  • Customer Success

Riley Harbick

  • Customer Success

Geoff Newton

  • Customer Success

Josh Bennetch

  • Customer Success